This winter, would you like to avoid calling for HVAC technicians to repair your heating system? That’s a silly question; of course you would. Would you also like to pay less to heat your home? Yes, another silly question. But we put these questions at the front in this post because there’s a simple way to help your heater run with fewer problems and lower energy use that you may have overlooked. It’s the way you set your thermostat during the winter.
In our history as HVAC pros, we’ve often seen the erratic way people set their thermostats during the winter. When people treat their thermostat like a throttle they push up and down to attempt to nail “perfect” comfort, it puts far more strain on the heating system. That means more chances of breakdowns and higher bills. Let’s take a look at the ideal way to set your thermostat for a heating system that’s healthier and less expensive to run.
A common misconception people have about thermostats is that they make the heater produce more heat faster as they are turned up higher, the same way that pushing down on a gas pedal on a car makes the engine work harder and the vehicle go faster. Thermostats don’t work this way: they’re switches. They signal the heater to come on and turn off. When you push the heater up farther, you are only asking for it to run longer to reach the setting.
This is why a steady setting is best: find the temperature you want in your house, and leave the thermostat set there. Making numerous adjustments will cause the heater to work longer as well as to turn on and off more frequently. Each time the heater has to turn on, it uses more energy than normal, so you want to limit start-and-stop as much as possible. Steady work means less strain and less power drain.
Our recommendation is to set the thermostat to 68°F during the day when people are home. This temperature is comfortable enough for most people who have on warm clothing. If it seems too cold, set the thermostat to 72°F and then lower it by a degree a day so people will get used to it. During the evening, lower the setting by 8° more.
This lower setting is helpful not only because it makes the heater run less often, but also because it slows down heat loss from the house. The closer the temperature indoors is to the outdoors, the slower heat leaks out of the house. Your heater has even less work to do because the house won’t get quickly cold again whenever the heater shuts down.
If you do end up needing heating repairs in Indianapolis —and even the most attentive thermostat settings and routine maintenance can’t stop all malfunctions—you have a great local team to help you get your house warm once more. We back up our work with a 100% happiness guarantee.
Vital Heating & Air is proud to serve the Indy Area
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